Truth About Cellulite Reviews (MUST READ)

—- Original Message —–
To: joey atlas
Subject: old friend needs your help
Date: Nov. 6 12:15 AM
Dear Joey,
I know it’s been a long time but you know how it can be with marriage, kids ‘n work. I hope you guys are all doin well
I’m writing to you about this because I know you’ll give me the complete honest truth and if anyone can help me its gotta be you.
If you remember back in college I had a little bit of cellulite but it wasn’t too bad
Well, after 2 kids my lower body looks horrendus, I mean cellulite everywhere. I’m so embarassed to take the kids to the pool or beach – I even cringe when I get undressed and can’t stand looking at the mirror with my clothes off.
I look great in my jeans or a form fitting skirt but what lies underneath is atrotious and I need to get rid of it, Joey
Making love is not fun or exciting for me and its bothering Tim also, of course. I can’t beleive Im tellin you this but its at that point you know
Joey can I get rid of the cellulite on my butt, hips and thighs with exercise or am I cursed for life? And if so, can you make me a program to get the job done. I will gladly pay you for your time
Either way I know you won’t BS me & you’ll tell it to me straight.
If you think you can help, keep in mind the program needs to be for ‘at home’ use and not be longer than 30 minutes. As a (crazy) ‘busy mom’ my time is limited and, as you know, I’m not the ‘health club’ type.
I hope you can help. Say ‘Hi’ to the family for me.
PS; You probably already know, I’ve tried all the ‘cream’ scams and beauty spa treatments only to prove to myself ‘none of them worked’
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Review 2

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: my personal success and a “thank you” (thighs & butt cellulite)
From: Sonia T.
Date: Thu, March 03, 4:19 am
To: Joey Atlas

Hello Joey and team

I just wanted to say that I have been doing the programme for about 4 weeks .. 3 to 4 times a week and have noticed cellulite reduction already. I am not a big person (61kg) and about 5’4 but was unhappy with the way my lower body was heading. The cellulite was getting worse and worse.

Your targeted program, coupled with sensible eating since New Years Day, means I can now fit back into my ‘benchmark’ jeans that I am happiest in and am getting compliments on my butt as my shape has changed for the better.. wonderful as I am 59 years old.. eek!!

I also use an exercycle for additional training.. am thinking of investing in your upper body programme as well as I currently use dumbbells to ward off the dreaded tuckshop lady arms.. …I have paid heaps in the past for gym membership… but never again.

Thanks.. Sonia
PS- I also enjoy your motivational emails

Review 3

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: thank you!
From: kathleen fredrick
Date: Wed, March 02, 4:37 am
To: joey – truthaboutcellulite


I am not one to post reviews or send in testimonials but I felt it was necessary after its only been 3 1/2 weeks with your naked beauty anti-cellulite program, and I wanted to thank you for utilizing your knowledge about muscles for the benefit of womens trouble spots.

The ironic thing about my situation is that I didnt develop cellulite until about 6 months ago. Im 22 years old, very athletic, and have always enjoyed incorporating exercise into my life. Throughout my first three years in college, I went threw the normal highs and lows but always took good care of my body and what I consumed for the most part.

When I hit my senior year alot of negative experiences occured, (I emphasize alot) for about 6 months; I was at a very low period. I didnt know how to deal with it so I took away the one thing I could always control; my image. I quit working out, drink ALOT, and ate fast food way too frequently. My body began to slowly transform from 114 lbs to about 140lbs after 6 months.

As I progressively began to buy bigger jeans and look in the mirror, I was shocked to see the amount of cellulite I had in such little time, and it was getting worse by the week. This was a slap in the face for me!

So, I did extensive research and started to spend 90 mins in the gym a day ( I live too close to the beach so I had to fix my; trying to”run” my cellulite away and go back to having perfect legs. But even pushing myself so hard didn%u2019t work because I was doing the wrong things. It was all overkill without fixing the problem.

Thats when I decided to give your naked beauty routine a chance and Im fortunate to say that your program was the first and last Ill ever need. (make note; I was VERY skeptical before I got started with your routine).

As I am about to get my BS in Kinesiology specializing in OT; I was very impressed with the simpleness yet effectiveness of your program. This made alot of sense to me after doing the exercises that most of the cardio will not benefit you until you target the areas needed. The plan/time areas was thought out while the sequence of the exercises are right on.

To get to my point, I have been pretty consistent and did cheat a few days but stuck with it and only did the exercises one set for the reps listed. Its been less than 4 weeks and the cellulite is so close to being gone that I had to write you! My only regret is not taking pictures :(

Sorry for this extensive never ending email but I just wanted to say  “Thank You!!!”

– kathleen fredrick

I very recommended you to try this Truth About Cellulite because this is very good and many people can get rid their cellulite with this. Don`t worry about your money, if not satisfied with this, they offer 100% money back guarantee. You can claim your money back, you have nothing to lose. Click at banner below to get this ebook.

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